I should throw a little biographical information out there before I get into the meat of the blog. (It partially explains how the garden and quest came to be.) I am father of 2 (8mo and 3yrs roughly) and a college graduate. In college I majored in Accounting but never really was interested in that subject. The plight of that decision could be the subject of a blog of it's self. I would imagine that it is the story of many men an women of the era in that the economy ruined my expected career path.
However, while I was at Oklahoma State I took a class under professor Dr. Hadley, Soil Science XXXX. He was one of the most inspirational instructors that I had during my time there. (It could just be because Accounting instructors lack a certain vigor due to the subject matter.) It was in his class that I learned about modern agriculture technologies such as no-till and drip irrigation. I always thought that it was odd to consider something as simple as no-till as a technology but that is truly what it is.
Let me lead off that I am not against old ways or old things in the least. Nearly all things that I own are older than I am. (I find that old tools are built to last and offer a significant savings over buying new.) However, when it comes to technology (computers and gardening) The old ways are not always best. The new technologies offer significant improvements over the old ways.
When I started my garden, I will not lie, I was going to put in a till operation. However, I simply did not wish to put in the time to lay a traditional garden. This is Oklahoma home of Bermuda grass. I would imagine that it would nearly be impossible to rid the garden of it. (Which was the experience that I had in the past.) So I started considering other options.
It was at this time that I remembered no till and the many benefits of not tilling the earth. I had to fight every fiber of my being to try it. It went against everything I was raised with, but I decided to march boldly into the future.
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