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Sunday, September 13, 2015

This blog is dedicated to experimental gardening in Oklahoma. My garden is located in Enid Oklahoma. Enid is in West central part of the state. This region is most notable for long hot dry summers and freezing winters. The seasons are very diverse as they are across most of the state.

I have lived in Oklahoma for about 17 years. I have tried gardening many times here in several different cities and but they all ended up the same. Dead with horrible harvests. The problem with Ok is that it is hot, dry, windy, wet, full of pestilence/disease, and unpredictable.

I have had some really good results in the past two years as I have undertook organic gardening as a primary means of production. I hope to share with the readers my successes and failures, recipes that I like, and advice. I hope to grow a base of supporters to bring back sustainable gardening practices to the region. The methods that I will here-after describe have worked well for me and have provided a means for me to grow food with a very small investment of time. The methods are not my own, but they work and I offer my experience for free as an education to my readers.

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